Stronger. Strongest.
VILINA REFINED SOYABEAN OIL is good for kids in their growth days. It is good for bone density, immune system and menopausal transition.

Vilina Refined Soyabean oil 1 LTR Pouch

Vilina Refined Soyabean oil 5 LTR Jar

Vilina Refined Soyabean oil 15 LTR Jar
For every kitchen.
Strong. Stronger. Strongest.
good for kids in their growth days. It is good for
bone density, immune system and menopausal transition.

Vilina Refined Soyabean oil 1 LTR Pouch

Vilina Refined Soyabean oil 5 LTR Jar

Vilina Refined Soyabean oil 15 LTR Jar
Comfortable. Convenient. For every kitchen.
Vilina Refined Soyabean oil
Vilina Refined Soybean oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the soybean and has the highest nutritional value. It has proteins and amino acids in good quantity for proper nourishment. Soybean oil has absolutely no cholesterol, which dramatically reduces risks for heart disease. At the same time, Omega-3 fatty acid in soybean oil helps the body to absorb nutrients from food and help grow healthy cells. It is low in harmful saturated fats and high in healthy fats. Its overall fat profile makes it ideal for heart patients.

Adding Goodness to Your Life
Oil is the most important ingredient in Indian cuisines. As per the Indian food culture, oil completes the balance of the Indian diet. To deliver oil in its purest form, Parakh Foods and Oils introduced Vilina Refined Oil. Food cooked in Vilina Refined Oil is lighter on the stomach and regulates the cholesterol level.

Better Eyesight
Vitamin A is required for vision and its deficiency leads to night blindness. The stability of vitamin A is greater in oils than in any other food and oil facilitates the absorption of vitamin A by the body.

Stronger Bones
Vitamin D deficiency affects 70-90% of our population. It causes severe bone complications from birth. Indian diet is not rich in Vitamin D because it is mainly vegetarian. Adequate exposure of body to sunlight is required to fulfill the need. Edible Oil Fortification with Vitamin D provides 1/3rd of an individual's daily requirement of the nutrients.

Best for Deep Frying
In the study, foods that were fried in healthy vegetable oils, such as olive oil, did not raise the risk of heart damage or clogged arteries. "Healthy oils can lower bad cholesterol, raise good cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmias," says, medical specialist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.

For Healthy Lifestyle
World’s finest Sunflowers from the farms of Ukraine are refined with the best technology to give you and your loved ones the best they deserve.

Most Advanced Refining Technology
The patented technology of Nano Refining process is world’s best refining technology. The objective of refining is to remove the objectionable co-constituents in the oil with no damage to the good fats and desirable constituents.

Better Eyesight
Vitamin A is required for vision and its deficiency leads to night blindness. The stability of vitamin A is greater in oils than in any other food and oil facilitates the absorption of vitamin A by the body.

Stronger Bones
Vitamin D deficiency affects 70-90% of our population. It causes severe bone complications from birth. Indian diet is not rich in Vitamin D because it is mainly vegetarian. Adequate exposure of body to sunlight is required to fulfill the need. Edible Oil Fortification with Vitamin D provides 1/3rd of an individual's daily requirement of the nutrients.

Best for Deep Frying
In the study, foods that were fried in healthy vegetable oils, such as olive oil, did not raise the risk of heart damage or clogged arteries. "Healthy oils can lower bad cholesterol, raise good cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmias," says, medical specialist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.

For Healthy Lifestyle
World’s finest Sunflowers from the farms of Ukraine are refined with the best technology to give you and your loved ones the best they deserve.

Most Advanced Refining Technology
The patented technology of Nano Refining process is world’s best refining technology. The objective of refining is to remove the objectionable co-constituents in the oil with no damage to the good fats and desirable constituents.